Senin, 18 April 2011

Check Dam (CD)

Practice Description

A check dam is a small barrier or dam constructed across a swale, drainage ditch or other area of concentrated flow for the purpose of reducing channel erosion. Channel erosion is reduced because check dams flatten the gradient of the flow channel and slow the velocity of channel flow. Most check dams are constructed of rock, but hay bales, logs and other materials may be acceptable. Contrary to popular opinion, most check dams trap an insignificant volume of sediment.

This practice applies in small open channels and drainageways, including temporary and permanent swales. It is not to be used in a live stream. Situations of use include areas in need of protection during establishment of grass and areas that cannot receive a temporary or permanent non-erodible lining for an extended period of time.

Typical Components of the Practice

  • Site Preparation
  • Materials Installation
  • Erosion and Sediment Control
  • Construction Verification


Prior to start of construction a qualified design professional should determine the location, elevation and size of the structure to optimize flattening of channel grade. Usually, check dam dimensions are taken from a standard drawing. Check dams are typically constructed using materials included in a contract. Note: Construction with rock is the only check dam material covered in this edition of the handbook.

Site Preparation

Determine location of any underground utilities.

Locate and mark the site for each check dam in strategic locations (to avoid utilities and optimize effectiveness of each structure in flattening channel grade).

Remove debris and other unsuitable material which would interfere with proper placement of the check dam materials.

Excavate a shallow keyway (12”-24” deep and at least 12” wide) across the channel and into each abutment for each check dam.

Materials Installation

As specified, install a non-woven geotextile fabric in the keyway in sandy or silty soils. This may not be required in clayey soils.

Construct the dam with a minimum 2:1 side slopes over the keyway and securely embed the dam into the channel banks. Position rock to form a parabolic top, perpendicular to channel flow, with the center portion at the elevation shown in the design so that the flow goes over the structure and not around the structure.

Erosion and Sediment Control

Install vegetation (temporary or permanent seeding) or mulching to stabilize other areas disturbed during the construction activities.

Construction Verification

Check finished size, grade and shape for compliance with standard drawings and materials list (check for compliance with specifications if included in contract specifications).

Common Problems

Consult with a qualified design professional if any of the following occur:

  • Variations in topography on site indicate check dam will not function as intended. Change in plan will be needed.
  • Materials specified in the plan are not available.


Inspect the check dam for rock displacement and abutments for erosion around the ends of the dam after each significant rainfall event. If the rock appears too small, add additional stone and use a larger size.

Inspect the channel after each significant rainfall event. If channel erosion exceeds expectations, consult with the design professional and consider adding another check dam to reduce channel flow grade.

Sediment should be removed if it reaches a depth of ½ the original dam height. If the area behind the dam fills with sediment there is a greater likelihood that water will flow around the end of the check dam and cause the practice to fail.

Check dams may be removed when their useful life has been completed. The area where check dams are removed should be seeded and mulched immediately unless a different treatment is prescribed.

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